Bozeman’s second high school, set to be finished in Fall of 2020, could have a name! As of right now, Bozeman Westslope High School is the final proposed name. Read the Bozeman Daily Chronicle article here
Wondering where the name came from? The westslope cutthroat trout is Montana’s official state fish. According to the Chronicle, “Historically it has lived in the Gallatin and Madison river watersheds, though it has become increasingly rare because of hybridization and habitat degradation.” Student Carter Berg, in favor of the name, persuaded the trustees “the westslope cutthroat is a good symbol for striving to protect and preserve a quality of life. Students need a high quality education just like cutthroat need a high quality environment to survive, he said. “Westslope would also fit, supporters said, because the second high school is under construction on the fast-growing west side of Bozeman and students can see the west slope of the Bridgers from the school.” What do you think of the new name?
They are now taking suggestions for a mascot and school colors. You can place suggestions online at bsd7.org.
Below is the proposed boundary line for the 2 high schools – Click here to view the map